Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 21 - William Knyvett (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 21st may be found here: Randall Thompson (2019), Leonard Warren (2020), Patti LuPone (2021), Randall Thompson; Lionel Rogg (2022), and Randall Thompson (2023)



William Knyvett (21 April 1779 - 17 Nov. 1856) was an eminent singer and composer, a Gentleman of the Chapels Royal and lay vicar of Westminster Abbey.  





















Keeping the Torch

With the exception of Sir George Smart, he was the last of the musical leaders who inherited the Handel traditions as to the method of conducting an oratorio. -- Wikipedia


It’s said that Knyvett was the past

To know the style of ages past;

With him the true Handelian style

Vanished from the English isle.

I’m prone to think that this quotation

Is founded in exaggeration; —

It may be true, it may be not,

But that is all that Knyvett’s got.



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