Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17 - Erik Satie; Bob Merrill (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 17th may be found here: Erik Satie (2019), Birgit Nilsson and Zinka Milanov (2020), Erik Satie (2021), Erik Satie; Enya (2022), and Erik Satie (2023)


Erik Satie (17 May 1866 – 1 July 1925) has influenced and inspired composers for more than a century, perhaps more for his attitude than the intrinsic worth of his music.

















Getting Satie-sfaction

From about 1910 he became the focus of successive groups of young composers attracted by his unconventionality and originality. – Wikipedia

Erik Satie, though very odd,

Became a kind of minor god

To those among the younger set

Who very soon were in his debt.

His music, once dismissed as twaddle

Became their new aesthetic model.



Bob Merrill (17 May 1921 – 17 February 1998) was an American songwriter, theatrical composer, lyricist, and screenwriter.




















Luckiest People in the World

Make certain that there’ll

Be cheers for Bob Merrill!

    Let ringing resound from the steeple!

He was in the Top Ten

As composer, and then,

   He, of course, wrote the lyrics “People”.



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