Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31 - Louise Farrenc (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 31st are found here: Alfred Deller (2019), Marin Marais (2020), Louise Farrenc (2021), Johnny Paycheck (2022), and Bruce Adolphe (2023)


Louise Farrenc (31 May 1804 – 15 September 1875) was a French composer, virtuoso pianist and teacher. 















Perfectly Farrenc

But, despite some new editions of her chamber music after her death, her works were largely forgotten until, in the late 20th century, an interest in women composers led to the rediscovery – and thence to the performance and recording – of many of her works.  -- Wikipedia


Louise Farrenc, who has, of late,

  Received renewed acclaim,

Has suffered from that frequent fate,

  The fickleness of fame.

Though canon-makers give more weight

  To secondary men,

Her music, on the edge of great,

  Is in the air again.



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As critics re-evaluate

  The music from her pen.


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