Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 5 - Hans Pfitzner (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 5th may be found here: Charles Rosen and François-André Danican Philidor (2020),Tammy Wynette (2019), T. Tertius Noble (2021), Ola Gjeilo (2022), and Adele (2023)



Hans Pfitzner (5 May 1869 – 22 May 1949) was a German composer, conductor and polemicist whose best known work is the opera Palestrina.
















Pfading Away

That said, Palestrina is unlikely to enjoy any repeat performances in this

country. Despite the hype and considerable interest within opera circles,

the production didn't fill the Opera House. – Douglas McLennan, review of Palestrina at Lincoln Center in 1997

It can be said of Palestrina

That few of us have heard or seen a

Live production, and the score

Is widely held to be a bore.

Critics, by and large, are baffled

By a contrapuntal scaffold

That it only seems to slow and clot

The movement of the heavy plot.

And yet the show has its adherents

Who work against its disappearance

With somewhat cult-like perseverance. —-

(The tickets will be sold at clearance.)



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