Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11 - Richard Strauss, Carlisle Floyd (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for Richard Strauss's birthday are found here: (2019), (2020), and also Richard Strauss; Hazel Scott (2021)Richard Strauss (2022), and Hazel Scott (2023)


Richard Strauss (11 June 1864 – 8 September 1949) as a German composer, especially known for operas, orchestral showpieces, and art songs.

















Til There Was You

There’s a kind of vertiginous thrill

In the opening solo of Til.

It’s a stress that is borne

By the solo french horn

Who’s in danger of taking a spill.


Richard Strauss and the Philosopher’s Tone

A critic who heard Also sprach

Was heard to expostulate, “Ach!

Aside from chronology,

It’s Nietzsche’s theology

That keeps it from being like Bach.





Carlisle Floyd (11 June 1926 – 30 September 2021) was an American composer primarily known for his operas. 














There’s No Accounting for…

It’s not that I’ve never enjoyed

The music of Carisle Floyd,

But I find that his stuff,

While it’s pleasant enough,

Is something I’d rather avoid.



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