Friday, January 31, 2025

January 31 - Franz Schubert (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 31st are here: Franz Schubert; George Benjamin (2020), Philip Glass; Mario Lanza (2021), Justin Timberlake; Carol Channing (2022), Franz Schubert (2023), and Philip Glass; Gioseffo Zarlino (2024)



Franz Schubert (31 January 1797 – 19 November 1828) was one of the greatest nineteenth century composers.




















Memento mori

Would anyone remember you

If you had died at thirty-two?

(Well, technically at thirty-one

But closer enough for rhyming fun).

The point is that his time was done,

And he was gone, deceased, departed,

About when most of us get started.


The Trout Quintet Story

The quintet was written for Sylvester Paumgartner, a wealthy music patron and amateur cellist who also suggested that Schubert include a set of variations on the Lied.  — Wikipedia, s.v. “Trout Quintet”

When Schubert received the commission

The patron attached a condition:

He said, “Figure out

How your song called ‘The Trout’

Can be used in your new composition.”


Samsung Sings: Trout Variations

Samsung washing machines and clothes dryers play an arrangement of the first portion of the fourth movement upon finishing a spin cycle. – Wikipedia, s.v. “Trout Quintet”


Whenever a buyer inquires

Regarding their washers and dryers,

The salesman will tout

That it tootles “The Trout”

Which outclasses the other suppliers.


There isn’t a shade of a doubt

That a washer that tootles “The Trout”

Adds a touch of refinement

To an audible sign meant

To tell you your clothes can come out.



Thursday, January 30, 2025

January 30 - Charles Haubiel (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 30th are here: Johann Joachim Quantz; Thomas Tallis (2020), Johann Joachim Quantz (2021), Thomas Tallis; Harold Prince (2022), Thomas Tallis (2023), and Johann Joachim Quantz (2024)



Charles Haubiel (30 January 1892 – 26 August 1978) was an American composer, pianist, and lecturer. 










The Proof of the Pudding

His music has been described as a combination of Johannes Brahms and Clause Debussy. – Wikipedia 

According to the ones who penned

   His Wikipedia bio entry

His works evince a curious blend

   Of styles that aren’t complementary.

Combining Brahms with Debussy?

   Was this an ill-considered act?

Or was it proof, a Q.E.D.,

   That opposites indeed attract?  



If you enjoy these posts, please help me, and consider sharing.  [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Takes: Great Art Repurposed.] 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

January 29 - Leslie Bricusse (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 29th are here: Daniel François Esprit Auber (2020), Adam Lambert (2021), John Raitt; Frederick Delius (2022), Luigi Nono (2023), and Georg Christoph Wagenseil; Havergal Brian (2024)


Leslie Bricusse [pronounced: /ˈbrɪkəs/ ] (29 January 1931 – 19 October 2021) was a British composer, lyricist, and playwright, remembered for movie and theater musicals.
















Pure Imagination

Bricusse (BRIK-əs) – National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, ”Say How? A Pronunciation Guide to Names of Public Figures”.

Americans who read a name

   Of someone born in Britain,

Will find, when they pronounce the same,

   It isn't said as it’s written.

They sound it out as it is spelled,

   (Phonetically primarily),

But English practice, (deeply held),

   Pronounces arbitrarily.

Bricusse is a model case

   Of such eccentric diction,

A name with accents out of place

   By Brit linguistic fiction.




If you enjoy these posts, please help me spread the word and consider sharing.  [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.]






Tuesday, January 28, 2025

January 28 - Joey Fatone; Giovanni Battista Velluti (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 28th are here: John Tavener (2020), Artur [Arthur] Rubinstein; Johann Ernst Bach (2021), Giovanni Battista Velluti; Ferdinand Hérold (2022), Gottfried Vopelius (2023), and Ferdinand Hérold (2024)



Joey Fatone (b. 28 January 1977) is an American singer, dancer, actor, and television host. 















Make It Work

In 2007, he came in second place on Dancing with the Stars. He was the host of the U.S. and Australian versions of The Singing Bee. Fatone was the announcer for Family Feud, and has hosted on the Food Network’s Rewrapped, the Game Show Network’s Common Knowledge, the Live Well Network’s My Family Recipes, and was "Rabbit" on the first season of The Masked Singer. He has acted in movies and on Broadway. – heavily adapted from Wikipedia

When Joey Fatone

Struck out on his own,

Putting the boy band behind him,

He did this and that

At the drop of a hat,

And you never knew where you might find him.




Giovanni Battista Velluti (28 January 1780 – 22 January 1861), was an Italian castrato soprano.






















A Changed World

Giovanni Battista Velluti was last

   Of the line of the castrated stars;

And when he retired the era had passed

   Of post-orchiectomy scars.

We still go to surgeons to alter our looks,

   For work on our breasts and our faces,

But castrati are now in the history books,

   And boys become tenors and basses.



If you enjoy these posts, please help me, and consider sharing.  [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Takes: Great Art Repurposed.]