Tuesday, October 13, 2020

October 13 - Paul Simon (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Paul Simon (b. 13 October 1941) is an American singer-songwriter.

[For last year's limericks on Paul Simon and Art Tatum click here.] 











As the Book Ends

By 1980, the duo's solo careers were not doing well.... Delsener contacted Simon with the idea of a Simon & Garfunkel reunion, and once Garfunkel had agreed, plans were made. The concert, held on September 19, 1981 attracted more than 500,000 people, at that time the largest ever concert attendance.... The duo undertook a world tour beginning in May 1982, but their relationship grew contentious: for the majority of the tour, they did not speak to one another. --excerpted from Wikipedia

If the duo Paul and Art

Was doomed at last to fall apart,

Perhaps they knew it from the start.

And though they would forever be

The famous partners S & G,

Neither man shed many tears

As they moved on to solo careers

But now and then, for old times sake,

They gave their solo careers a break,

And asked again the question whether

They could ever work together.

But each stab at reuniting

Ended every time in fighting --

But they learned, though it was stressful,

It was fiscally successful.


If your fame is from a duo

Keep in view the things that you owe

To the partnership, and if your

Solo act goes off the cliff, for-

-get the former circumstances.

For the sake of your finances

Give your life some backward glances,

Get together for a gig,

And when you do it, make it big.



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