Sunday, October 25, 2020

October 25 - Johann Strauss, Jr. (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Johann Strauss Jr. (25 October 1825 – 3 June 1899) was a composer of dance music and operettas.

[Four last year's limericks on Georges Bizet click here. For birthday verses for others of the Strauss family click here for his father and here for his brother.





















Father Complex

Johann Strauss, Senior, his father,

    Was very well known,

So his son had a bit of a bother

    To stand on his own.


Johann Strauss, known as the Younger

    (Or Junior, the Second),

Felt natural self-centered hunger,

    With which he reckoned.


The son, as he tried to advance his

    Separate career,

Compose and conducted his dances

    Premiere by premiere.

And soon he was always successful

    Each time that he’d go on,

And found that it wasn’t so stressful

    To be younger Johann


In fact, if you happen to mention

    A waltz by one of them

It’s likely to be the invention

    Of the son of them.




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