Monday, October 5, 2020

October 5 - Thomas Greatorex (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)


Thomas Greatorex (5 October 1758 – 18 July 1831) was an English composer, organist, astronomer, and mathematician.

[For last year's observations on Glynis Johns and Mrs. Miller click here.]













Royal Raillery

"My father is Rex, but you are a Greater Rex" -- George IV, as Prince Regent, to T.G.

Perhaps it’s true when you’re the one

Subjected to the verbal fun

Of George the Third’s most royal son,

It’s best, when all is said and done,

To feign amusement at the pun.

And though the joke, in some respects,

Is neither funny nor complex,

It’s wise to give your future Rex

The kind of feedback he expects,

For this, in turn, will have effects

On future patronage and cheques.




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