Wednesday, December 2, 2020

December 2 - Harvey Phillips (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Harvey Phillips (2  December 1929 – 20 October 2010) was an important American tuba player.

[For last year's thoughts on Maria Callas and Britney Spears click here.] 














Tuba mirum

Harvey Phillips was the poo-bah

Of the players on the tuba.

(Yes, the rhyme is inexact,

But the statement is a fact.)

Harvey Phillips brought low brasses

To the great untuba-ed masses --

Tubists, who were loud, but risible,

Now emerged as proud and visible.

His eponymous foundation

Sponsors tuba celebration.

Tubachristmas, every year,

Fills the air with tuba cheer,

And by now you may have guessed

He’s behind Octubafest.

(Of course it’s true that no whines

For lack of Tubavalentines.)



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