Friday, December 4, 2020

December 4 - Fred Armisen (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Fred Armisen (b. 4 December 1966) is an American actor, comedian, writer, producer, and musicia.

[For last year's limericks on Deanna Durbin click here.]















Life of Fred

Did you know that years before

   His comedy career,

He played with Trenchmouth (post-hardcore)?

   If not, you’ve learned it here.

Then, after Trenchmouth, SNL,

   Portlandia came then,

And then he thought it might be swell

   To play the drums again.

And thus it was, he changed his brand

   As show biz life requires ---

And now he leads The 8G Band

   For Late Show host Seth Meyers.




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