Monday, December 7, 2020

December 7 - Louis Prima; Ernst Toch (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Louis Prima (7 December 1910 – 24 August 1978) was an American singer, songwriter, bandleader, and trumpeter. 

[For last year's verses on Pietro Mascagni and Rudolf Friml click here.]















When You’re Smiling!

Louis Prima, Vegas act,

When they booked him, it was packed!

Energetic and untiring,

Not a hint he was perspiring!

Folks back then still got a kick

From Italiano schtick!

For his Vegas clientele it

Worked to take a song and sell it!

If by now you are enthused 

To go and find his records, used, 

You will find his ample vinyl

In the bins marked “All Sales Final.”




Ernst Toch (7 December 1887 – 1 October 1964) was an Austrian composer.









 Paying the Rent

"His most performed work is the Geographical Fugue... which he himself regarded as an unimportant diversion." --

Be careful, beware, and be cautious

  When writing a minor diversion,

For though you may think the thing nauseous,

  The Fates may have planned a perversion

Whereby what you meant as a trifle

  Becomes your most palpable hit,

But the royalty checks should help stifle

  The angst in your soul just a bit.




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