Monday, June 14, 2021

June 14 - Cy Coleman (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 14th are found here: John McCormack (2019) and Lang Lang (2020)




Cy Coleman (14 June 1929 – 18 November 2004) was an American composer primarily known for his many successful Broadway musicals, songwriter, and jazz pianist.




















Unneeded Advice

Cy Coleman was never

   Requested to scuttle

The lead female's anthem 

   For being too subtle.

Nor was he told that 

   The thing would be classier

If the Act One finale 

   Was made even brassier.

Nor did he need 

   A producer’s affirmative

To make his big numbers 

   Upbeat and ear-wormative.

Mr. Cy Coleman

  Was always at ease,

When showing his mettle

  At moments like these:

The bigger the moment,

   The bigger the tease.



Two on Sweet Charity

(Not) So Refined

The “Big Spender” number in Charity

Has more than a touch of vulgarity,

At least if you find

That a bump and a grind

Is a stand-in for carnal dexterity.

Charity’s Lament

When men in Manhattan mistook her

For a call girl, a tart, or a hooker,

She gave as an answer,

That she was a dancer,

But down at the club they could book her.




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