Friday, June 4, 2021

June 4 - Robert Merrill (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 4th are found here: Cecilia Bartoli (2019) and James Hewitt (2020)


Robert Merrill (4 June 1917 – 23 October 2004) was a great American baritone active in opera and musical theater.





















"On the other hand, the repertory and the interpretations are as 'central' as the voice itself. His records are not stamped with the sort of individuality that lodges immediately in a listener's memory; they are simply the work of a very good opera singer and source of unfailing pleasure to the ear." --- J. B. Steane, as quoted in Merrill’s New York Times obit

Robert Merrill’s career embraced

The middle ground of lyric taste.

By temperament or conscious choice

The shadings of his splendid voice

Lacked a certain vital force.

It’s not a fatal flaw, of course,

But greater baritone’s have found

There’s more to life than pretty sounds.

He could have taken risks, instead he

Chose a course more sure and steady,

And though he made iconic discs,

We seldom hear him taking risks.





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