Thursday, June 17, 2021

June 17 - Igor Stravinsky; Jerry Fielding (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 17th are found here: Charles Gounod (2019) and Charles Gounod (2020) Igor Stravinsky (2020)



Igor Stravinsky (17 June [O.S. 5 June] 1882 – 6 April 1971) was one of the dominant composers of the 20th century





















Signifying Nothing: A Stravinsky Suite


I consider that music is, by its very nature, essentially powerless to express anything at all, whether a feeling, an attitude of mind, or psychological mood, a phenomenon of nature, etc….-- Igor Stravinsky, Autobiography 


Stravinsky faced loads on invective

For denying that Art was affective.

When other folks cried,

He continued dry-eyed,

Impassive, aloof, and objective.


Stravinsky, with wilful excess

Averred he had zilch to express.

He’d try and he’d try

To be brittle and dry,

Though rarely, I fear, with success.


If Humans are ashes and clay,

And Music has nothing to say,

I’d have to admit

That I feel like a twit,

‘Cause I always get carried away.





Jerry Fielding (17 June 1922 – 17 February 1980) was an American film and television composer. 












Knowing Nothing

Grab your pom poms, raise your beer

For Jerry Fielding’s film career,

And yet admit he gets big zeroes

For his work on Hogan’s Heroes.



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