Friday, January 21, 2022

January 21 - Henri Duparc (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 21st are here: Henri Duparc (2020) and (2021)


Henri Duparc (21 January 1848 – 12 February 1933) was a French composer, principally of songs.

Lost Years
A mental illness, diagnosed at the time as "neurasthenia", caused him abruptly to cease 
composing at age 37, in 1885.  -- Wikipedia

Duparc, in 1885,

  Was shaken to his very core.

And though for many years alive,

  He left his desk and wrote no more. 

He lived ‘til 1933,

  In stubborn silence, not composing;

How sad it is for us that he

   Ended life with such a closing.



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