Wednesday, June 1, 2022

June 1 - Georg Muffat; Ferdinando Paër (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 1st will be found here: Mikhail Glinka (2019), Carl Bechstein (2020), and Nelson Riddle (2021)



Georg Muffat (1 June 1653 – 23 February 1704) was a composer and organist.  
















Georg Muffat should not be confused with his son Gottlieb Muffat, also a successful composer. – Wikipedia

Georg Muffat shouldn’t be confused

  With Gottfried Muffat, his composer son;

Although, in fact, I think you’d be excused

  If this is something you have ever done.





Ferdinando Paër (1 June (?July) 1771 – 3 May 1839) was an Italian composer known for his operas and oratorios. NB. His birth date is various given as June 1 or July 1.  I follow Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (8th ed.) in choosing June.















Fidelio vs. Leonora

Paër's opera Leonora (1804) is based on the same story as Beethoven’s Fidelio, first produced as Leonora the following year. – Wikipedia

Although they’re both there

    To compare,

It hardly seems fair

    To Paër.



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