Thursday, June 2, 2022

June 2 - Edward Elgar (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 2nd are found here: Edward Elgar (2019), (2020), and (2021)



Edward Elgar (2 June 1857 – 23 February 1934) was arguably the most important British composer between Purcell and Britten.






















It’s a Puzzlement


Elgar accepted none of the solutions to the works "enigma" proposed in his lifetime, and took the secret with him to the grave. -- adapted from Wikipedia

Some writers have argued... that the Enigma is a private joke with little or no substance. - Wikipedia

Elgar died before he had revealed

The puzzle that his famous score concealed,

So every now and then a clever sleuth

Announces that they’ve stumbled on the truth,

Until the music world is worn and weary

Of yet another cockamamie theory.

It’s even said that Edward Elgar claims

Were just his way of having fun and games,

Which cuts the knot by sensibly declaring

The whole enigma angle a red herring.




Elgar dedicated the work "to my friends pictured within", each variation being a musical sketch of one of his circle of close acquaintances. -- Wikipedia

Elgar had friends and relations

Left out of his great variations.

Good Heavens!” wrote one,

After all that I’ve done!

Reply with your full explanations!”




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