Friday, June 10, 2022

June 10 - Al Dubin; Ralph Kirkpatrick (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 10th are found here: Frederick Loewe (2019), Judy Garland (2020), and João Gilberto (2021)



Al Dubin (10 June 1891 – 11 February 1945) was an American lyricist.




















Also Ran

Known for his larger-than-life persona, Dubin struggled with alcohol and drugs, and fell on hard times in the 1940s. – Wikipedia

Lyricists get second billing,

  Composers are the names to drop.

And yet the job can be fulfilling

  Though your name’s not on the top.

Did Dubin grumble when his name

  Was greeted with indifferent shrugs?

And did this second fiddle fame

  Lead to alcohol and drugs?







Ralph Kirkpatrick (10 June 1911 – 13 April 1984) was an American harpsichordist and musicologist.
























Kirkpatrick is widely known for his chronological catalog of Domenico Scarlatti's keyboard sonatas as well as for his performances and recordings. -- adapted from Wikipedia


Scarlatti’s sonatas had slumbered,

  Except for a popular few.

Kirkpatrick made sure they were numbered,

  And lined them all up in a queue.

And he played them in ways unencumbered

  By edited versions he knew,

And a style that had formerly lumbered

  Was given a whole different hue.




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