Saturday, June 25, 2022

June 25 - Carly Simon; Gustave Charpentier (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 25th, both on Gustave Charpentier are found here: (2019) and (2020), Carly Simon; Gustave Charpentier (2021)



Carly Simon (b. 25 June 1945) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, and children's author.


Pursuit in Vain

It’s never been clear who’s “so vain”

In spite of an active campaign

To pressure and parley

To try to get Carly

To explain her most famous refrain.






French composer Gustave Charpentier (25 June 1860 – 18 February 1956) had an improbably long life and one highly successful opera.















Style Points

Perhaps the appropriate way
Of fêting Monsieur Charpentier
Is by playing Louise
On LPs or CDs
While uncorking a nice cabernet.


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