Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November 9 - Bryn Terfel (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 9th are here:  Thomas Quasthoff; Bryn Terfel; Anna Amalia of Prussia (2019), Mary Travers (2020), and Jean-Baptiste Weckerlin (2021)



Bryn Terfel (b. 9 November 1965) is a beloved Walsh bass-baritone.












Two Variations on a First Line

Wales has long been known as the Land of Song and its male voice choirs are an iconic part of the tradition. –


Bryn Terfel, a singer from Wales,

Which is known for its lusty-voiced males,

Is the son of a farmer,

But still is a charmer

When dressed in tuxedo and tails.


Bryn Terfel, a singer from Wales,

Where a penchant for singing prevails, 

Gives representation

To his musical nation,

With all of the traits that entails.





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