Monday, November 21, 2022

November 21 - Eleanor Powell; Lorna Luft (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 21st are here: Ernest Charles; Coleman Hawkins; Björk; Sigfrid Karg-Elert (2019), Malcolm Williamson (2020), and Sigfrid Karg-Elert (2021)



Eleanor Powell (12 November 1912 – 11 February 1982) was an American dancer and actress, best remembered for her tap dance numbers in musical films in the 1930s and 1940s. -- adapted from Wikipedia






















Dancing with the Stars

According to accounts of the making of this film, including a documentary included on the DVD release, Astaire was somewhat intimidated by Powell, who was considered the only female dancer ever capable of out-dancing Astaire. – Wikipedia

Eleanor Powell, tapped with the best,

Dancing with energy, vigor, and zest,

Authorities say she was able to scare,

The dapper unflappably poised Fred Astaire.





Lorna Luft (b. 21 November 1952) is an American actress, author, and singer. She is the daughter of Judy Garland.















We Are Family

"Born into what we were born into, we didn't have a choice, but we made a choice to say to one another, it will always be the two of us, and who we decide to invite to the party will be our decision and that's why," Luft says of her bond with Minnelli. – “Liza Minnelli and Lorna Luft Share Memories From Their Home Life With Mom Judy Garland (Exclusive)” --

Singer-actor Lorna Luft

Had a life in which she toughed

It out as second tier,

Never quite an equal peer

With her sister or her mother,

But with one thing and another,

Had the wherewithal to make

A living in her mother’s wake.


It’s not a crime to live on loyalty

To your family’s showbiz royalty.




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