Tuesday, November 22, 2022

November 22 - Gunther Schuller; Benjamin Britten (The Musical Birthday Series; 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 22nd are here: Benjamin Britten (2019), Cecil Sharp (2020). and Wilhelm Friedemann Bach; Stephen Hough (2022)



Gunther Schuller (22 November 1925 – 21 June 2015) was an American composer, conductor, horn player, author, historian, educator, publisher, and jazz musician.  











Third Wheel

In 1961, Schuller defined third stream as "a new genre of music located about halfway between jazz and classical music". -- Wikipedia, s.v. "Third Stream"

A third-stream composer named Schuller

Thought classical music got cooler

When jazz was infused,

Which he thought should be used

Like an alloy is used by a jeweler.






Benjamin Britten (22 November 1913 – 4 December 1976) was one of the leading British composers of the mid/late twentieth century.

















Orchestral Maneuvers

Each variations then features a particular instrument in-depth, generally moving through each family from the higher-pitched instruments to the lower-pitched (the order of the families is slightly different from the introduction). -- Wikipedia, s.v. "The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra"
Mr. Britten took care to provide
Each section a moment of pride;
And soon every one
Has there place in the sun
When playing The Young Person’s Guide.






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