Thursday, November 17, 2022

November 17 - Michele Carafa (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 17th are here: Charles Mackerras; Hershy Kay (2019), Gordon Lightfoot; August Wilhelm Ambros (2020), and Alberich Zwyssig (2021)


Michele Carafa (17 November 1787 – 26 July 1872) was an Italian opera composer.





















Also Ran

Carafa's music is marked by a certain lightness of melody and mediocre orchestration, in a period dominated by Rossini,  Bellini, Auber, Halévy, who were all his friends. – Wikipedia

Several of his operas were eclipsed by others dealing with the same subject matter: Masaniello by Auber's La muettte de Portici (1828); Le Nozze di Lamermoor by Donizetti's Lucia di Lamermoor (1835); La Grande Duchesse by Offenbach’s La Grande Duchesse de Gerolstein (1867). – Wikipedia

Carafa, to his great distress,

Had others step on his success.

He sought to put up on the stage

Subjects that were all the rage,

But when he found a plot to set he

He had bad luck with his libretti.

Alas, these plots were used again

With better tunes by better men,

And seeing thus his titles doubled

It is no one wonder he was troubled.




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