Thursday, November 3, 2022

November 3 - Vincenzo Bellini (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 3rd are here: Vladimir Ussachevsky; Vincenzo Bellini (2019), Samuel Scheidt (2020), and Jake Shimabukuro (2022)




Vincenzo Bellini (3 November 1801 – 23 September 1835)was an important Italian opera composer.


















Three Thoughts on La Sonnambula


Just as a young woman is about to marry her sweetheart, she is discovered—by the entire village, to say nothing of her fiancĂ©—asleep in the bedroom of a stranger. It takes the young man two acts to figure out that sleepwalking is to blame, and everything ends happily. -- 


(1) Shhh...!

For a listener, it’s asking a lot

When the hair-raising hinge of the plot

Concerns peasants talking

About a girl walking,

And whether she’s sleeping or not.

(2) Multi-Tasking

Amina, though sleeping, is shrill

As she crosses the bridge of the mill.

She does it while singing,

But her proper upbringing

Precludes her from taking a spill.

(3) Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

A soprano who walks in her sleep!

As a twist in the plot, it seems cheap! 

But the ploy is so vital

That it’s there in the title, —

(Your reaction may be “What the bleep!”) 




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