Monday, August 7, 2023

August 7 - Mata Hari (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 7th are here: Caetano Veloso (2019), Granville Bantock (2020), B. J. Thomas (2021), and Thomas Lupo, the Elder (2022)



Mata Hari (7 August 1876 – 15 October 1917) was a Dutch exotic dancer, courtesan, and possibly spy. 























She posed as a Javanese princess of priestly Hindu birth, pretending to have been immersed in the art of sacred Indian dance since childhood. The most celebrated segment of her act was her progressive shedding of clothing until she wore just a jeweled breastplate and some ornaments upon her arms and head. – adapted from Wikipedia

Though untrained in the dance, Mata Hari,

Had a dancing career that was starry.

She claimed, on occasion,

That her moves were South Asian.

But she danced them without any sari.


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