Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 9 - Hieronymus Praetorius (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 9th are here: Reynaldo Hahn; Albert Ketélbey (2019), Johann Michael Bach (2020), Johann Michael Bach (2021), and Reynaldo Hahn (2022)



Hieronymus Praetorius (10 August 1560 – 27 January 1629) was a Northern German composer and organist remembered for his elaborate polychoral motets.




















Identity Issues

He was not related to the prolific Michael Praetorius, known as a theorist and for Terpsichore, but the large Praetorius family tree produced many distinguished musicians during the 16th and 17th centuries. – Wikipedia


Numerous anonymous pieces in north German collections of the time are now attributed with reasonable certainty to Hieronymus Praetorius.  -- Wikipedia

Hieronymus Praetorius,

Whose clan was grand and glorious,

Was known in Northern Germany

With others of his family tree.

And though we don’t refer to him

By any other pseudonym,

The challenge, now, to such as us is

Not to mix Praetoriuses.

There’s added complicatedness

Regarding his relatedness,

When pieces once anonymous

Are fathered on Hieronymus.



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