Wednesday, October 11, 2023

October 11 - George Bridgetower (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)



George Bridgetower (11 October 1778 – 29 February 1860) was a British musician of African descent. 





















Broken Bridges

His playing impressed Beethoven, who made Bridgetower the original dedicatee of his Kreutzer Sonata after they presented its premiere performance. 

According to violinist J.W. Thirlwell writing over 50 years later, the pair fell out soon afterwards, after Bridgetower insulted a woman who turned out to be Beethoven's friend; Beethoven broke off all relations with Bridgetower and changed the dedication of the new violin sonata to the violin virtuoso Kreutzer. — Wikipedia

Bridgetower, Beethoven’s friend

Was heard, by bad luck, to offend

The turbulent Master,

And that’s the disaster

That brought their rapport to an end.


Though Beethoven had barely completed the composition, the piece received its first public performance with Beethoven on pianoforte and Bridgetower on violin. Bridgetower had to read the violin part of the second movement from Beethoven's copy, over his shoulder. — Wikipedia

George Bridgetower triumphed at first,

Though the duo had barely rehearsed,

But the work’s dedication

Underwent alteration

When the friendship with Beethoven burst.





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