Monday, October 30, 2023

October 30 - Frans Brüggen (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 30th are here: Peter Warlock; Frans Brüggen (2019), Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge (2020)Peter Warlock (2021), and Peter Warlock; Unico Wilhelm, Count van Wassenaer Obdam (2022)


Frans Brüggen (30 October 1934 – 13 August 2014) began his career largely as a recorder player.  Later, he became a leading conductor in the Early Music performance practice movement.














The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

Brüggen introduced a flexibility of tone and rhythm to solo recorder playing that was novel to historically informed performance practice at the time. Such approaches provoked some controversy at the time, but in part due to his use of them, have since become more commonplace.  – Wikipedia

Frans Brüggen, with scarcely a rival,

Assured the recorder’s revival.

With ideas of his own

He refreshed what was prone

To be dry, deadly dull, and archival.




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