Wednesday, October 30, 2019

October 30 - Peter Warlock; Frans Brüggen (The Musical Birthday Series)

Peter Warlock (30 October 1894 – 17 December 1930)  was a largely self-taught composer. He wrote criticism using his real name, Philip Heseltine.


Peter Warlock was always seen
With Mr. Philip Heseltine,
And Heseltine unlatched the door lock
For his partner Peter Warlock.

Both together, through and through,
Two for one, and one for two.


Frans Brüggen (30 October 1934 – 13 August 2014) began his career largely as a recorder player.  Later, he became a leading conductor in the Early Music performance practice movement.


Though Brüggen played a recorder
Specially made to order,
Listeners still were known
To call it a flutophone.

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