Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October 1 - Paul Dukas; Vladimir Horowitz; Henry Clay Work (The Musical Birthday Series)

Paul Dukas (1 October 1865 – 17 May 1935) was a French composer, critic, scholar, and teacher.

Games People Play 

L'apprenti sorcier by Dukas 
   Is one great big crescendo.
And might be fun if it was done
   On Wii or on Nintendo.


Vladimir Horowitz (1 October  [O.S. 18 September] 1903 – 5 November 1989) was one of the great pianists of the twentieth century.


Vladimir Horowitz strode onto the stage
With the air of a great virtuoso.
He had the technique of a musical mage,
And everyone there seemed to know so.


Henry Clay Work (1 October 1832 – 8 June 1884) was a composer of popular songs, some of which are still sung to this day.


The family of Work (Henry Clay)
Took their clock to the Roadshow one day.

It seems that the song
Had gotten it wrong,
With the dismal report
That the clock had stopped short
When their grandfather died.

The appraiser, as guide,
Had them search the inside 
For a key, when they found it, 
They took it, and wound it.
The clock’s rusted chime
Started telling the time.

The family of Henry Clay Work
Went berserk.

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