Monday, October 28, 2019

October 28 - Howard Hanson; Cleo Laine (The Musical Birthday Series)

Howard Hanson (28 October 1896 – 26 February 1981) was a composer and music administrator.

Hans and Hilma's Boy

Howard Hanson, firm and stolid,
Never squalid, always solid -

Though, I fear, I trust the rumor
That he had no sense of humor.


Cleo Laine (b. 28 October 1927) is a distinguished English jazz singer and actor.

Memory Laine

Let me explain
The showbiz reign
Of Cleo Laine.

Cleo Laine
Could entertain
In jazz or pops.
She was tops.
Much recorded,
Oft rewarded.

West End shows?
Some of those.
Pierrot Lunaire?
She was there.
World tour?
Yes, for sure.

Adding Dame
To her name.

I hope that here
I’ve made it clear
Why we should cheer
Her fifty year
Singing career.

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