Thursday, October 24, 2019

October 24 - George Crumb; Luciano Berio (The Musical Birthday Series)

George Crumb (24 October 1929) is one of the most distinguished living American composers.

Leaving a Trail of Crumbs

If the orchestra sings or it hums,
Or the pianist plays strings with their thumbs,
If subtle vibrations
Get amplifications,
Or the score is artistic
And titles are mystic,
Then likely it’s something of Crumb’s.


Luciano Berio (24 October 1925 – 27 May 2003) was a innovative and influential Italian composer.

The Sequenze

There are pieces where Berio seeks
To study extended techniques,
And thus each Sequenza
Is a crazy cadenza
Of burbles and buzzings and squeaks.

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