Friday, October 11, 2019

October 11 - Archibald T. Davison; Daryl Hall (The Musical Birthday Series)

Archibald T. Davison (11 October 1883 – 6 February 1961) was an American musicologist, conductor, composer and music educator. 

A double dactyl is a biographically inspired humorous poem with very strict structural rules.   
Here are links to two definitions for those who are curious.  The first from the  
Poetry Foundation is clearer but less accurate than the second, from Wikipedia.  Take 
your pick.  The classic statement is the book Jiggery-Pokery:  A Compendium of 
Double Dactyls by Anthony Hecht and John Hollander (New York, 1967).

Double Dactyl on ATD (1)

Archibald Davison,
(“T” is omitted so 
That it will scan),

Made a compendium
In a convenient
Two volume plan.

Double Dactyl on ATD (doublé)

Higgledy piggledy
Archibald Davison,
Needing some scores for his
Final exam,

Went through the library
Finding the works that he
Published in HAM.


Daryl Hall (b. 11 October 1946) is best known as the lead vocalist for Hall & Oates


I never could (still can’t) recall
Which is Oates and which is Hall.

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