Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October 2 - Sting (The Musical Birthday Series)

Sting [Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner] (b. 2 October 1951) is one of the most successful and adventurous rock musicians of  our time.

On the Occasion of Sting’s Yvor Novello Award

Said a prominent musical lord
About the Novello award,
“I don’t think Novello
Would approve of this fellow -
But it seems that he can't be ignored.”


“Even though logic would say, 'Are you out of your mind? You're in the biggest 
band in the world – just bite the bullet and make some money.' But there continued 
to be some instinct, against logic, against good advice, [that] told me I should quit."
—Sting on quitting the band in 1986.

Police Action (the above translated as a limerick)

Even though logic would say,
"You’re out of your mind, you should stay."
It’s a roll of the dice,
And against good advice,
My gut says I’m walking away.

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