Monday, February 12, 2024

February 12 - Thomas Campion (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 12th are here: Thomas Campion (2020), (2021), Thomas Campion; Julian Scriabin (2022), and Thomas Campion; Roy Harris (2023)



Thomas Campion (12 February 1567 – 1 March 1620) was a composer, poet, and physician.


















Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

While Campion had attained a considerable reputation in his own day, in the years that followed his death his works sank into complete oblivion, when the vogue for masques and song-books proved ephemeral.  – adapted from Wikipedia

Thomas Campion in his lifetime had

  Success when masques and lute songs were a passion;

But both, alas, were just a passing fad,

  And Thomas Campion faded with the fashion.





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