Monday, February 26, 2024

February 26 - Jackie Gleason (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 26th are here: Frank Bridge (2020), Fats Domino; Betty Hutton (2021), Franz Strauss; Johnny Cash (2022), and Anton Reicha (2023)



Jackie Gleason (26 February 1916 – 24 June 1987) was an American actor, comedian, writer, and composer.















Side Line

Gleason enjoyed a prominent secondary music career during the 1950s and 1960s, producing a series of bestselling "mood music" albums.  -- Wikipedia

In spite of period accounts establishing his direct involvement in musical production, varying opinions have appeared over the years as to how much credit Gleason should have received for the finished products. -- Wikipedia

In Jackie Gleason’s musical success,

The part he played is anybody’s guess.

Though album covers give him lots of credit,

It isn’t clear just what he did to get it,

But Gleason with his concept and the cash,

Made swooping strings an unexpected smash.



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