Tuesday, February 6, 2024

February 6 - Fabian (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 6th are here: Natalie Cole; Arthur Gold (2020), Bob Marley; Natalie Cole (2021), Claudio Arrau (2022), and Charles Wheatstone (2023)



Fabian  (b. 6 February 1943) is an American singer and actor.  






















I’m a Man (Sort Of).

During the payola scandal of the 1960s, Forte testified before Congress that his recordings had been doctored electronically to "significantly improve his voice." – Wikipedia


Fabian is an early example of what many would now call a "manufactured pop star"; a sex symbol presented to audiences without much regard for singing talent – which even fans of early rock and roll music will admit Fabian didn't have much of…”  tvtropes.org

Fabian’s brand of rock and roll

  Caused an adolescent craze.

Girls would swoon and lose control

  In their young boy-crazy days.

And while it’s true that they were stirred,

  And hence the screaming and the swooning,

The star confessed that what they heard

  Was fifties proto-autotuning.




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