Thursday, February 15, 2024

February 15 - Harold Arlen (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 15th are here: John Adams (2020), Harold Arlen (2021), Georges Auric; Jean Langlais (2022), and Henry Engelhard Steinway (2023)



Harold Arlen (15 February 1905 – 23 April 1986) was an American composer of popular songs and Broadway shows.













I Could Go On Singing

In 1938, the team of Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg was hired by MGM to compose songs for The Wizard of Oz. adapted from Wikipedia

A patron at the piano bar said, “Darlin’!

Play me something nice by Harold Arlen!”

The piano player launched into a medley

Which lasted for a half an hour stead’ly.

He varied both geography and key

With Oz, St. Louis, and The Deep Blue Sea,

And ended, as he angled for a tip,

With movie songs that Harold wrote with Yip.



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