Tuesday, November 17, 2020

November 17 - Gordon Lightfoot; August Wilhelm Ambros (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Gordon Lightfoot (b. November 17, 1938) is a Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist.

[For last year's tributes to Charles Mackerras and Hershy Kay click here.]













If You Could Feed My Mind

“Bob Dylan observed that when he heard a Lightfoot song he wished "it would last forever". -- excerpted from Wikipedia

Bob Dylan reportedly said,

“When Lightfoot gets into my head,

I want him to stay there

On perpetual play there,

And continue ‘til after I’m dead.”




August Wilhelm Ambros (17 November 1816 – 28 June 1876) was an Austrian music historian and composer. 






















Founding Parent

When August Wilhelm Ambros wrote

His densely researched tracts,

His readers never heard a note

Amidst the learned facts.

And thus, presenting knowledge, he

Set a course for those

Pursuing musicology

In the spirit of Ambros.

He satisfied, without a doubt,

(This plucky pioneer)

The folks who wished to read about

What they’d never hear.



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