Monday, November 16, 2020

November 16 - Paul Hindemith (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Paul Hindemith (16 November 1895 – 28 December 1963) was one of the most important composers of the last century.

[For last year's limerick also on Hindemith click here.]




















Please Sir, Could We Have Some More

Paul Hindemith wrote a whole pile

Of works with a signature style.

It became autopilot, 

And after a while it

Was as fertile as floods on the Nile.



Make Yourself Useful

Hindemith wrote Gebrauchsmusik (Music for Use)—compositions intended to have a social or political purpose and sometimes written to be played by amateurs. --Wikipedia

When Hindemith chose to produce

Gebrauchsmusik (Music for Use),

His writing was practical.

A tad bit didactical,

And rarely, if ever, abstruse.


To the Rescue

The Viola Concerto by William Walton was written in 1929 for the violist Lionel Tertis… But Tertis rejected the manuscript, and composer and violist Paul Hindemith gave the first performance. --Wikipedia

When Walton’s Concerto was done,

The soloist left on the run.

Said Paul, ‘Will, I gotcha!

Please hand me my Bratsche,”

And the piece had its day in the sun.



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