Thursday, November 26, 2020

November 26 - Earl Wild (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Earl Wild (26 November 1915 – 23 January 2010) was an American pianist renowned for his virtuoso technique.

[For last year's verses on Tina Turner and Robert Goulet click here.]















Born to Be Wild: A Short Bio in Doggerel

In 1931 he was invited to play at the White House by President Herbert Hoover. The next five presidents... also invited him to play for them, and Wild remains the only pianist to have played for six consecutive presidents. -- Wikipedia

The teen-aged Earl Wild

Who doubtless beguiled

     When playing concertos by Liszt,

Played with Mitropoulos

In this very metropolis

     With our orchestra there to assist.

Of course, a teenager

Who does something major

      Is often a flash in the pan,

But young Earl’s career

Went on year by year,

     Until he was quite an old man.


And over the years,

To the envy of peers,

     He was often requested to play 

A gig at the residence

Of American presidents, 

     From Hoover until LBJ.



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1 comment:

  1. I love the poem! Thanks for being an Earl Wild fan.
    Michael Davis
