Wednesday, November 4, 2020

November 4 - Gena Branscombe (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Gena Branscombe (4 November 1881 – 26 July 1977) was a Canadian pianist, composer, music educator and choir conductor who lived and worked in the United States. 

[For last year's verse on Carl Tausig click here.]







Fleeting Fame

"Prominent opera and concert singers of the era performed her art songs on recital programs across the United States and in Europe." - Wikipedia 


There was a time in days long past

When Gena Branscombe could be cast

Among composers widely known

To set a proper cultured tone

Upon the voice recital scene,

Where she was programmed in between

The earnest songs, demure and pure,

Of other writers now obscure.





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