Monday, November 23, 2020

November 23 - Krzysztof Penderecki, Jerry Bock (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Krzysztof Penderecki (23 November 1933 – 29 March 2020) was one of the preeminent Polish composer of his time.

[For last years limerick, also on Penderecki click here.]

















Changed Perspectives

Yet those early works, which at the time struck so many as so arresting in their dramatic challenge to convention, now indeed seem – for some listeners at least – shallow, simplistic, or even opportunistic. Penderecki’s subsequent manner, meanwhile, retained the endless chromatic melodic sequences and tritones of the earlier manner in the context of a thematic tonality that could now prove simply banal. -- obituary in The Guardian


When Penderecki made his splash

With clusters in a sonic hash,

He took the music world by storm

With something quite outside the norm.

The shock (and yes, it was profound)

Engendered by this mass of sound

Has faded now that no one’s flustered

When a score is densely clustered.

Limerick by way of an envoi

He soon moved away from such sonics

To works that were rooted on tonics,

Which seemed dull and dour,

And devoid of the power

That distinguished his past histrionics.




Jerry Bock (23 November 1928 – 3 November 2010) was an American composer of Broadway musicals including Fiddler on the Roof, Fiorillo!, and She Loves Me.


Bock, Bock, Bock

It’s Fiddler that everyone goes to,

But Bock wrote additional shows, too.

He said, “Someone should

Do my others, they’re good,

And I’d like to make money on those too.”





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