Monday, November 9, 2020

November 9 - Mary Travers (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Mary Travers (9 November 1936 – 16 September 2009) was an American singer-songwriter and member of the folk music group Peter, Paul and Mary.

[For last year's posts on Thomas Quasthoff, Bryn Terfel, and Anna Amalia of Prussia click here.]












On a First Name Basis

Mary Travers had a surname

That was rarely part of her name,

Still, I’m sure that she was very

Proud of Peter, Paul and Mary.

We don’t know who had the vision,

Recommending the decision 

That they set a friendly tone

By using their first names alone.

The trio had prolonged discussions

Of the likely repercussions,

Dropping, after long palavers,

Yarrow, Stookey, also Travers.




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