Saturday, October 2, 2021

October 2 - Don McLean (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 2nd are here: Sting (2019) and Leroy Shield (2020)


Donald McLean  (b. 2 October 1945) is an American singer-songwriter, best known for his 1971 hit song "American Pie".














Four Thoughts on “American Pie”


Since over eight minutes go by

While playing “American Pie,”

Take time in each minute

To ponder what’s in it,1, 2

And ask yourself who, where, and why.

1Alternative couplets:

      There’s time to explore 

       Is it less? Is it more?

2Second alternative couplet:

       There’s time to assess

       And to hazard a guess,


Just what did he mean by that levee?

Are his politics there in the Chevy?

There are those who opine

That each word is a Sign -

Allusive, portentous, and heavy.


“American Pie” is a song

Which pleasantly rambles along;

It’s myriad allusions

And gentle confusions

Were doubtless dredged up with a bong.


There’s nothing inherently wrong

That the song is unusually long,

And though it divides 

Over two separate sides,

A song is a song is a song.




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