Monday, October 4, 2021

October 4 - Anonymous (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 4th are here: Anonymous and Anonymous IV (2019) and Anonymous; Domenico Corri (2020)



Anonymous ( ? - ? ).  On some days there are few musicians of any prominence celebrating their birthdays. For the last two years I have taken advantage of this fact to feature "Anonymous."  This seems like a nice tradition to continue. 














Sight-Reading an Unknown Song on a Snowy Evening

Whose song this is I’d like to know,

His name’s not on the music though.

I’ll play it through so I can hear

This unknown song from long ago.

My little spinet’s sound is queer,

Quite out of tune this time of year,

But I have music yet to make,

To read at sight or pretty near.

This song is not a piece of cake,

I’m sure I’ll make the odd mistake,

And soon my neighbor, who’s a creep,

Will say I’m keeping him awake.

The song is lovely, dark, and deep,

But since the walls are thin and cheap,

I’ll stop and let him get some sleep

I’ll stop and let him get some sleep.



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