Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 20 - Karol Mikuli (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 20th are here: Charles Ives; Robert Craft (2019) and Jelly Roll Morton (2020)



Karol Mikuli (22 October 1821 – 21 May 1897) was a Polish pianist, composer, conductor and teacher.  He was a student of Chopin.  His edition of Chopin's works which was considered standard ahs fallen out of favor.













Two Variations on a Theme of Mikuli


Have pity on Karol Mikuli;

It’s said that he meddled unduly

In his Chopin edition,

And so in Perdition

His ghost is mistreated most cruelly.


Mikuli decided to plaster

His edition of works by The Master

With tweaks he declares

Are authentic repairs,

But that scholars have called a disaster.



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