Monday, October 18, 2021

October 18 - Baldassare Galuppi (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for October 18th are here: Heinrich Schütz; Luca Marenzio (2019) and Lotte Lenya; Ferdinand Schubert (2020)



Baldassare Galuppi (18 October 1706 – 3 January 1785) was a Venetian composer who achieved international success. , and was sometimes known as "the father of comic opera".






















Better Safe than Sorry

When Venetian composer Galuppi

Was meeting a fan or a groupie,

He had them inspected,

And promptly ejected

The ones who were flu-ish or croupy.


Loop de Galuppi

By the middle of the 1750s he was, in the words of musicologist Dale Monson, "the most popular opera composer anywhere". -- Wikipedia

Galuppi was ranked with the greatest -

Au courant, á la mode, up-to-datest  -

But he lost his caché

And then faded away

When his stuff was no longer the latest.




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