Monday, September 11, 2023

September 11 - Alice Tully; William Boyce (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 11th are here: Arvo Pärt (2019) , Harry Connick Jr.; William Boyce (2020), Friedrich Kuhlau; Eduard Hanslick (2021), and William Boyce (2022)


Alice Tully (11 September 1902 – 10 December 1993) was an American singer of opera and recital, music promoter, patron of the arts and philanthropist. [For her birth date I have chosen to follow Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (8th ed.), rather than Wikipedia, which gives the 14th.)















Donor Class

Sing praises to her, do not sully

This day by exalting her dully!

And praise one and all

The eponymous hall

That was built by the late Alice Tully.





William Boyce (bapt.11 September 1711 – 7 February 1779) was an English composer, organist, and music editor.




















A Panegyrick on the Late Lamented William Boyce

Raise your voice!

Rejoice! Rejoice!

And sing the praise of William Boyce!

Sing, oh sing

For God and King!

Let the very rafters ring!

Let the choir

Find the fire

That his choral hymns require!

Or invoke

His masterstroke,

The stirring naval “Heart of Oak”!

Take any sample

For your example,

His oeuvre, like his girth, was ample!



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